2024 Conference Presentations

2024 CPAA Conference April 29 - May 1, 2024

Beyond Municipal Boarders: Collaborating for Vibrant Communities

Thank you Sponsors, Speakers and Delegates for the success of our confernece this year!

If you would like to review the sessions or couldnt make it to the conference check out the presentations below!

2024 Conference Program


April 29th Sessions:

Education Session: Mindsets & skills for today’s problem-solver

By Lyall Samaroden, Bench Solutions


Keynote: How to Become a Climate Optimist

By Chris Turner, National Speakers Bureau


Enabling Housing Choice in Rural Alberta Communities

By Alyce Wickert & Sean Adams, Rural Development Network


Driving in Your Lane: Fostering Intergration For Streamlined Governance

By: Nick Pryce, V3 Companies of Canada Ltd.


Intermunicipal Success Stories: Examples and Best Practices

By: Jeneane Grundberg & Whitney Mosley, Brownlee LLP


April 30th Sessions:

The Future of AI Planning Toolkit and Framework

By: Jun Ming Hu, University of Alberta


Lessons Learned: Suggestions and Strategies for Successful IDP Collaboration

By: Steve Harty & Gavin Scott, Oldman River Regional Services Commission (ORRSC)


Municipalities and the AUC Review Process

By: Richard Goldberger & Riley Georgsen, Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC)


We Need to Talk: A Case Study on the Importance of Meaningful Communication and Collaboration For Fostering Community Resilience

By: Desiree Rose & Nicole Bonnett, University of Alberta


Intermunicipal Disputes: Recent Cases and Lessons Learned

By: Carol Zukiwski, Reynolds Mirth Richards & Farmer (RMRF)


Revive Your Municipal Plans: Use Collaborative Planning to Breathe Life Into "Living Documents"!

By: Nicklas Baran & Cajun Paradis, Lacombe County


May 1st Sessions:

Mapping Sucess: Unleashing the Power of GIS MCDA in Community Building

By: Elisa Stamatakis, V3 Companies of Canada Ltd.


Beyond Boundaries: Reimagining Communities Through Neighbourly Planning

By: Dnyanesh Deshpande & Marcelo Figueira, Green Space Alliance


How Does This Benefit Us? Regional Collaboration and the Calgary Metropolitan Region Board

By: Liisa Tipman, Jordon Copping & Jaime Graves, Calgary Metropolitan Region Board


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